Hall 1


Welcome Words
Jochen Sandig, RADIALSYSTEM V & Andreas Bock, A Soul for Europe

Keynote Speeches
Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President Committee of the Regions, Juan Gabriel Vasquez, Writer


How Can Cities and Citizens Strengthen Europe? (Part 1)
Organiser: Cities for Europe
This workshop starts with an input on “How do cities realize their responsibility for Europe and what changes do we need?” Selected initiatives will present their projects before the discussion is opened to the public.

Lunch Break & European Marketplace
The European Marketplace aims at presenting inspiring daily practice examples from the urban context
How lively, diverse and colourful is the “local” Europe? Which projects and initiatives manage to strengthen the peaceful coexistence and tolerance in different city districts? Which projects and initiatives succeed in reducing prejudices? What can culture contribute to enhance integration locally? And how do local projects support the European Project?

Impulse Guillaume Klossa & Artistic Intervention by Musicians4UnitedEurope

How Can Cities and Citizens Strengthen Europe? (Part 2)
Organiser: Cities for Europe
Table talks will have a focus on the specific experiences and expertise that project representatives share with the conference participants. Sharing of experiences, dialogue and networking between citizens, artists, politicians and project representatives.

Coffee Break & European Marketplace

European Cities From the Bottom-Up – New Responses From Civil Society and Local Administration
Organiser: Advocate Europe & Actors of Urban Change
Civil society actors and local administration share the goal of wanting to improve the lives of the community. Yet, collaboration between these two groups often is disconnected. Today’s turbulent world requires that we act together, in new forms of alliances and more committed than before in order to drive future change. This session explores exemplary cases of collaboration and looks on the pain points of cross-sector collaborations as well as the places of potential. Four activists from across Europe share their insights and experiences from working in partnerships across sectorial boundaries.

Presentation of the BOZAR Workshop Results
Conclusions and Closing Words: Nele Hertling and Dejan Ubovic, A Soul for Europe